Incident Scenario Exercise

When (day):
10th - Wednesday
17:00 - 19:00
Zoom link will be available very soon

Training Session Video

This is the third section in a four-part exercise:

Part 1 -threat modeling Setting the scene to the further sessions. We will understand what is the company profile and the architecture of the company Threats and threat modeling of the company plus PNG (persona nan grata) profile

Part 2 - incident response planning We will run through the scenario with a small group of people who will get the roles of key stakeholders at the actual incident response session (which will be the next part)

Part 3 - THIS SESSION Actual exercise - 5 hours with breakout rooms for different groups of stakeholders. Run in sprints Information to be revealed throughout the exercise and groups work on their response

Part 4 - post mortem of the-incident exercise Post-mortem for the Part 3 what are the outcomes?

Check our youtube channel for the sessions you have missed (search security incident open security summit).

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